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Volunteer Information

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Volunteer (Manager, Coach, etc.) Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Bloomingdale Youth Sports Association Babe Ruth League. It is with sincere and grateful appreciation that we welcome you as a manager/coach for this season. As a manager/coach, you have the unique opportunity to teach and mold young people into baseball players. You will undoubtedly have a long- lasting impact on their lives. Such a unique opportunity is also a great responsibility. Therefore we ask that you acknowledge this responsibility through this agreement. As a Bloomingdale Babe Ruth League manger/coach, I agree to the following:

  • I will always remember that baseball / softball is a game, and is meant to be fun for all players.
  • I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times.
  • I will treat all players, managers, coaches, umpires, officials and fans with respect and will refrain from making derogatory remarks. I will not use profanity, foul or abusive language towards anyone.
  • I understand that volunteering is a privilege and not a right. I will refrain from making negative or derogatory remarks about the league, City, the board or its members, players, coaches and other volunteers on social media sites including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • I agree that the primary goal of coaching players at this age is not winning, but to teach the fundamentals of baseball to each and every player on my team.
  • I will treat all of my players fairly, regardless of their ability, both on the practice field and during games. This includes a fair amount of instruction and playing time.
  • I will complete the League’s coaching certification by the required date
  • I will schedule necessary practices and stress drills that teach improvement of baseball / softball fundamentals.
  • I will not use tobacco or alcohol products in the presence of players.
  • I have read and agree to abide by and support the rules of the League and the game as stated in the Bloomingdale Babe Ruth League Rule Book, Bylaws and Charter.
  • I understand, as a manager/coach, that I will be responsible for the conduct of my coaches, players, fans at all Bloomingdale Youth Sports Assoc. functions.
  • I understand that most league communication is done via e-mail and I will check my e-mail on a regular basis.
  • I understand that violation of any of the above agreements is subject to sanctions from the league, County and/or board or its designee. These sanctions range from verbal warning up to and including dismissal as a volunteer.

Information for Managers and Coaches

Sign up to manage/coach while signing up your child for the season. After registering your player(s), next click on the Manager and Coach Registration link here. This will allow you (the adult) to register to volunteer. We greatly appreciate everyone who dedicates their time to coaching our kids at the park. The park could not exist without your help!! That said, before you can manage/coach, you are required to be credentialed through BYSA . In order to be obtain your park badge, you must have the items listed below. All volunteers must wear their badges while on the field with the kids! Failure to do so will result in removal from field until badge is presented and worn.

Volunteer Packet Requirements:

  1. Volunteer Application
  2. Fingerprinting Background Check
  3. NAYS Coaching Cert
  4. Concussion Training
  5. Protecting Youth Athletes Training
  6. Headshot
  7. CPR, First Aid and AED Class
  • You can send a copy of your NAYS coaching card that which covers items #3 and #4
  • FDLE background checks require a valid SSN.
    • You can provide this over the phone or via encrypted email
    • Email Charles Izett for phone & encrypted email instructions

1. Volunteer Application - Background Check

 If you have never coached at BYSA before, you must first fill out a Volunteer Application form. This form provides the necessary information for BYSA to vet applicants. This form can be filled out and sent to Charles Izett, BYSA's Volunteer Coordinator (

2. Fingerprint Background Check

CS/SB 676 amends s. 943.0438, F.S.

Current law requires youth athletic coaches, assistant coaches, and referees to undergo a Level 1 background screening if the coach works more than 20 hours per year. CS/SB 676 amends s. 943.0438, F.S., to revise background screening requirements to require these individuals, including managers, to undergo Level 2 screenings and removes the 20-hour minimum work requirement. This means that all youth athletic coaches, assistant coaches, managers, and referees must undergo a Level 2 background screening, regardless of hours worked

3. Coaching Certification - NAYS or Hillsborough County

There are two ways you can obtain your coaching certification. Hillsborough County offers free, in-person coaching certification classes. You will need to complete your coaching certification by taking an online training class through NAYS (National Alliance for Youth Sports). The online class costs $20 and is good for a year (although you can pay more for a longer membership). Once you receive your membership card from either of these classes, you must take a picture and send it to Charles Izett, BYSA's Volunteer Coordinator.

4. Concussion Training

Concussion training is included in the free classes offered through Hillsborough County Parks and Rec. You can also complete free concussion training through the websites below. Again, you must send proof of completion to, BYSA's Volunteer Coordinator, Charles Izett.

5. Protecting Against Abuse Training

Starting in 2019, Babe Ruth and Cal Ripken organizations are requiring all managers/coaches to have training for protection against abuse. You can take on online course for free through NAYS: If you attend a county coach's training session, protection against abuse is included as part of that program.

6. Headshot Picture

If you don't currently have a badge, you'll also need to provide a picture (headshot) for your badge. 

7. CPR, First Aid and AED Class

Volunteers must pass a CPR, First Aid and AED training class. Fees will vary between organizations. You may also select to add on the Sudden Cardiac Arrest training and Safety, Health and Injury Awareness training through NAYS. This is a free add-on to your active NAYS membership.

Click Below to Link to compare offerings:

American Red Cross

National CPR Foundation

*Only one certification class is required. Not more than one of these options. Contact Charles Izett for all questions.